Our Story
Sunshine SPOT is a private practice, home health facility. We offer Speech-Language Therapy, Feeding Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Early Intervention services. Our patients range from infants to adolescents and we work in both the school and home environment.
Our certified therapists have received specialized training using a variety of therapeutic techniques. Our company’s philosophy is to provide whatever therapy, tools, and resources are needed to facilitate maximum success for our patients and their families.
Sunshine SPOT prides itself by being highly focused on family centered care.
We are a small company with a family feel. All of our therapists work and collaborate as a team to provide the highest level of care possible. Because we are small, we are able to get things done more quickly and efficiently than some larger companies. We have bi-lingual therapists and therapists with vast knowledge and experience in difficult to treat areas. Our company is able to grow and change with the medical community and look forward to treating your child.
We believe in working as a team along with each child’s family. Family involvement is important for the therapist to better understand the patient and advise each family on their child’s individual developmental needs. We recognize that the family plays a constant role in enhancing the child’s learning and development and that we, the therapists, are key in facilitating support and knowledge for each individual child. Our therapy process is flexible and individualized to reflect the child’s and family members’ preferences, methods of learning, and cultural beliefs. Therapy is always dynamic and responsive to family-identified needs. Parents are encouraged to participate in treatment, observe, ask questions, and utilize the home programs your therapist will design during and after your child's sessions. Teamwork among the families we see, the children we service, and our therapists helps guide the therapy process. All families, with the necessary supports and resources, can enhance their children’s learning and development.
What we treat
Our company receives referrals from specialists in the pediatric community. Pediatricians, psychiatrists, counselors, fellow therapists and parents often refer children to Sunshine SPOT for treatment of a variety of syndromes and disabilities including, but not limited to:
•Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum
•Attention Deficit Disorder
•Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
•Batten Disease
•Cerebral Palsy
•Cochlear Implants
•Congenital Heart Disease
•Cornelia De Lange Syndrome
•Developmental Delay
•Down Syndrome
•Feeding Deficits
•Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
•Hearing Impariment
•Klienfelter Syndrome
•Language Impairment/Delay
•Mental Handicap
•Multiple Sclerosis
•Muscular Dystrophy
•Noonan Syndrome
•Seizure Disorder
•Specific Learning Disability
•Speech Impairment/Delay
•Spina Bifida
•Tracheostomy Valves
•Traumatic Brain Injury
•Turner Syndrome
•Visual Impairment
•Voice Disorder
•And others…
Our Service Areas
Hillsborough, Pasco, and Pinellas County areas.
Focus on Teamwork
Families and therapists work together to understand the child’s needs and to formulate a plan to achieve long range goals and expectations.